
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Curry and Cornucopia

Husband and I recently decided to try out some Indian recipes for dinner.  One of my favorites is naan with cilantro chutney.  Husband found recipes for those dishes as well as one for a yogurt curry.  Everything turned out really delicious.  The main changes to the recipes are that we added green bell pepper to the curry and we made the naan on the George Foreman grill.  Yes, that's right, I did say George Foreman grill.  It was really easy to make it that way.

Here are some foodie pics and links to the recipes:

Delicious mushroom yogurt curry

Cilantro chutney


For this week's craft, I decided to make the cornucopia pattern I shared last week as part of the Thanksgiving Roundup.  This pattern is offered for free on Lion Brand Yarn's website. 

The horn and vegetables/fruit were easy to make.  The one change I would make would be to increase the opening of the horn.  It was a challenge stuffing in the 4 food items...and the original pattern shows 5 foods.  The one item I didn't make was the squash.  In the pic below you can better see how the food items are practically bursting out of the horn.

I put away my witch, but here's the cornucopia with the other pumpkins.  (You can find the pattern links for the pumpkins and pie on my Pumpkin Roundup post.)


  1. Cute idea. Thanks for linking to What'd You Do This Weekend. Hope to see you in Momday.


  2. I love curry every now and then. Have not tried making it myself. Love that cornucopia! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
